Turkish people attach much importance to their traditions. Every event of family, religious or laic life is a pretext to feasts that reunite families. The dates of religious holidays come 10 days earlier each year according to the lunar calendar.

Religious feasts

- Şeker Bayramı lasts 3 days and symbolizes the end of the Ramadan, a 30 day period of fasting. Members of families wearing their best clothes visit or are visited by their relatives, offering each other Turkish delights, chocolates or other kinds of sweets (şeker means sweet). Along with the greetings is the habit of the hand kissing of the elders (children usually get money). A visit to the cemetery to render homage to the deceased is also a custom.

- Kurban Bayramı
follows 10 weeks after Şeker Bayrami. The feast of the Sacrifice (in honor of Abraham) lasts 4 days. Generally a sheep, a goat or a cow is sacrificed and a part of it (or the whole of it) is given for charity. Donations can also be done to the poors. On the other hand, festivities are the same as the Şeker Bayramı.

Family feasts

- Circumcision (sünnet) is a practice of religious significance. There is no special age for circumcision, but the young boy must be between 2 and 14 years old. Circumcision is done by licensed surgeons, but the operation can take place at home in the rural areas and villages. Festivities are held with the whole family and losts of guests. Collective circumcision is held for poor boys and orphans by charity organizations.

These young boys wearing circumcision clothing are taken around the city on horseback and are escorted by musicians

- Marriage is more traditional in the rural areas where brides still wear special garments typical of their region. But wearing the white wedding dress is the custom in cities and wealthy rural families. Planned marriages by match-makers are still frequent, and in the rural areas children may be engaged when they are very young. According to the custom, the bride prepares the trousseau, and the groom's family pays for the expenses of the marriage and also pays a brideprice. But this tadition is loosing its popularity. During the festivities, jewels are offered to the bride and gold coins are pinned to her dress in order to protect the couple from poverty.

Traditional feasts
They are more particularly a rural tradition. Those feasts have origins anterior to Islam. They are related to the cycle of the seasons. In summer, crops and vintages are the purpose to many kinds of festivals.

- Nevruz the first day of the spring, the Alevis commemorate the birth of Ali. Women prepare a traditional receipe, the "aşure" also called "Noah's pudding" which is made of boiled wheat, dried fruits and vegetables, pine seeds.

- Hidirellez (May 6) commemorates the spring season. Women and young girls wear crowns of plaited flowers and express wishes.

Hidirellez celebrations with a band in Istanbul. People pin pieces of paper on which they have written a wish

National holidays

- January 1: New Year's Day
- April 23 : National İndependance and Childen's Day
- May 19 : Youth and Sports Day is also Atatürk's Commemoration
- August 30 : Victory Day
- October 29 : Republic Day